Three years of being a Research Scholar

Shamit Shrivastav
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Today, I completed three years of my Ph.D. journey (three years since I started it, and I still have a long way to go). While this journey has helped me understand the research methodologies very well, it has also amplified my passion for research. Moreover, there have been other significant learnings in this role of a research scholar that I wish to share, and hopefully, these may help research aspirants and my fellow researchers –

1. Passion for Research

Your interest levels will tune your speed of research work. Have a good reason and a strong intent to do a Ph.D. If you are employed in an educational institute, you will be forced to do it to meet regulatory mandates. Don’t rush; there is no harm in taking six to twelve months to decide rather than starting it half-heartedly. Never forget that — Ph.D. is for your self-development also.

2. Relationship with the Supervisor

Your supervisor or guide is the most crucial aspect of this journey. He/ She is like your extended family member. The common advice for supervisor selection is based on common areas of interest, credentials of the supervisor — experience, publications, no. of Ph.D. students, etc. Additionally, the personality of the supervisor plays an important role as well. Once you start, you should practice having timely communication with your supervisor and being clear about meeting objectives. It is okay to not be fully prepared for these meetings; this is not a review, and many things emerge in these discussions. I follow these steps (Plan — Seek — Refine — Do — Seek — Plan). Plan your work, take feedback, incorporate feedback, complete your activity, share outcomes, seek feedback, and repeat.

3. Research Area > Research Topic > Research Aim > Research Questions

List down a few areas within your domain. For example, automobile design practice in industry. Within this, a possible topic could be — the end of life (EOL) of automobiles after their usable life. The aim of this research could be to understand the motivation of the industry to practice EOL and propose a guideline for the same. The research questions can be generated by breaking down this aim. Have multiple discussions with your supervisor at this stage.

4. Significance of Previous Backgrounds

Your age, experience, and time of starting a Ph.D. influence your ability to understand the research process and the clarity of approaching it. Industry experience makes you better at framing the right questions and identifying patterns within information.

5. Part-time versus Full-time

Full-time is always advisable. However, personal and professional situations may only allow you to register for a part-time. However, your passion plays a critical role in both cases, and you can still beat most of the odds, even as a part-time scholar. I scored a perfect CGPA in coursework and was the first in my batch to complete the workplan phase.

6. Doing a Ph.D. with a job or a Ph.D. versus a job (for part-time)

Given my recent experiences, I have many critical points to add here. Your PhD can move well only if your employer (institution) values good quality research. Your work will flourish if -

a. Leadership understands the research process. Having leaders who are PhDs largely takes care of this.

b. Your employer provides a favorable ecosystem for research (incl. learning resources and spaces).

c. Leadership does not impose unrealistic expectations for the number of publications.

d. Research is considered as a core and not a side activity. The researcher is supported in terms of time and motivated through required incentives. Time is the most precious SIP for a part-time researcher.

7. Discover your style

Reading, synthesizing, and writing are the fundamental steps in research, and every researcher has their way of accomplishing these. I maintain a sketchbook and make sketch notes for everything I read. And use these sketch notes to articulate pieces of writing. There are numerous tools available online for researchers; do understand their capabilities but not get carried away in trying to be smart.

8. Peer Group

Peer groups at work and peer groups at your Ph.D. institution both matter. For part-time scholars, your full-time batchmates are on-ground information sources and good reference points for progress, while part-time scholars are your ‘hamdards’ (you are in the same boat and feel good when you discuss challenges).

9. Learning from Other Experts

PhD journey provides numerous learning opportunities. Immense learning happens in miniscule conversations with other professors. Learning also happens once you start collecting research data and interviewing experts. My meetings with Professors and senior Ph.D. students during my two-day visit to IIT Delhi elevate my research spirit multifolds. Following eminent professors and researchers on LinkedIn inspires you to improve continuously in this process.

10. Me Time

If you have found a solid purpose to begin this journey, the Ph.D. process is exciting. However, it does get fatiguing and frustrating, especially if you are in the situation of a Job versus a Ph.D. Give yourself enough breaks to spend time with family and friends, and it is okay to not do Ph.D. work for a few days (not months). Note that true passion cannot rest for long and beyond a point; longer spans of no work will generate frustration in you. I have been through this; thankfully, I bounced back at the right time. So, find a cycle that suits you.

11. Continuous Patience

This long journey does require a high degree of patience, but you will also need to be patient to repeatedly answer this question, “When are you completing your PhD?”. You will get used to it. 😊

These suggestions have originated from my own experiences. There are many more and better ways to be a motivated and committed research scholar. Feel free to add from your experiences.

Also, I should confront that my journey hasn’t been the ideal one, especially last year when I was in the ‘PhD. versus Job’ situation. But I am happy to help if you wish to pursue research and you are unable to decide how to start or are unsure of what this journey will be like.

With your blessings, I hope to finish it soon and finish it well.

Sketch Notes for Literature Review

